The set consists of 9 exercises, the total duration of the set is 19:16 min
Necessary accessories: a stable chair with a backrest, an exercise bike.
Important! Pay attention to proper breathing during exercise. Remember: first inhale through the nose, and then while exhaling through the mouth, perform any movement related to load, effort or stretch. When performing breathing exercises, you must follow the instructions in each exercise. Perform exercises until you feel slightly tired. If you are short of breath or cough severely, stop exercising.
Most exercises should be performed dynamically, while moving, gradually increasing cardio load and increasing the pulse in accordance with the physical condition of a patient and the period of his rehabilitation. Doing the exercises once a day is enough.
Walking. The most important exercise for restoring activity of the heart muscle and improving cardio-pulmonary endurance. Walking is good in all its forms and types. For example, you can start by walking in place, sitting and standing.