Exercises for Post-COVID rehabilitation. The fourth (4a) direction: rehabilitation of the musculoskeletal system. Physical activity, stretching, mobility and muscle strengthening. Initial stage. Starting position – lying.

Attention! Discounts apply for subscriptions for a period of 3 months or more!


The set consists of 3 exercises, the total duration of the set is 12:38 min

Necessary accessories: gymnastic mat, pillow.

Important! Pay attention to proper breathing during exercise. Remember: first inhale through the nose, and then while exhaling through the mouth, perform any movement related to load, effort or stretch. When performing breathing exercises, you must follow the instructions in each exercise. Perform exercises until you feel slightly tired. If you are short of breath or cough severely, stop exercising.

Depending on the severity of the disease: mild, moderate, severe form with complications, artificial lung ventilation, prolonged bed stay – a rehabilitation program should be formed individually, with the help of a rehabilitation physician, physiotherapist, physiologist, psychotherapist and specialists in related fields. It is important to follow proper breathing during exercise.


Additional Info

The humanity has been facing the pandemic of coronavirus infection COVID-19, officially recognized by the World Health Organization in March 2020 for more than a year and a half. As of August 2021, more than 210 million cases have been recorded since the virus began to spread. All over the world, vaccination against COVID-19 is being actively carried out, treatment methods are being finalized, scientists are developing new approaches that will make it possible to more effectively fight the pandemic in the future. [Explore More]

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