Exercises for the elderly/SENIOR’S ZONE. First direction: Rehabilitation and supportive therapy for the elderly (therapeutic set of exercises). Middle stage of rehabilitation.

Attention! Discounts apply for subscriptions for a period of 3 months or more!

The set consists of 9 exercises, the total duration of the set is 32:34 min

Necessary accessories: a stable chair with a backrest, a stool, bars or a handrail.

When performing the exercises:

IMPORTANT! Take safety measures to prevent falling during exercise, especially exercises to improve balance and coordination, improve walking and transfers. Therefore, part of the exercises should be performed while adhering to stable surfaces: railings, chair backs, handrails, bars. All exercises should be performed safely and preferably under the supervision of a specialist. The main objective of health and rehabilitation programs for the elderly is to stop the deterioration and provide the elderly with maximum safety and independence.

(1) Pay attention to proper breathing during exercise. Remember: first inhale through the nose, and while exhaling through the mouth, you perform any movement related to load, effort or stretch.

(2) Standing exercises are performed with the obligatory observance of safety measures to prevent falling during the exercise, adhering to stable surfaces: railings, chair backs, handrails, bars.

(3) To successfully perform the exercises of this complex, it is enough to choose 3-4 exercises in the sitting position-for the upper limbs, 3-4 -in the sitting position for the lower limbs, as well as 3 exercises in the standing position. After every 3 exercises, it is recommended to perform a relaxation exercise.


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