Multiple Sclerosis. Stretching and working with a massage roller. Advanced stage of rehabilitation

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The set consists of 8 exercises, the total duration of the set is 41:40 minutes

REQUIRED ACCESSORIES: a gymnastic mat, a belt length of at least 150 cm, a stable chair with backrest, a roller length of at least 90 cm, a roller length of 60 cm

GENERAL INSTRUCTION: In accordance with the stage of the disease progression, it is necessary to form a set and program of rehabilitation exercises that are appropriate for the current patient’s physical condition and status. Accordingly, in the long-term, for that, it is recommended to undergo an examination and consult with a rehabilitation physician and physiotherapist. It is recommended to learn and perform advanced or new exercises with assistance of a family member or an instructor or trained caregiver.

To form a set, it is recommended to select 2-3 exercises from each set. Perform 1-2 times a day.

Exercises to improve walking is recommended to perform between the bars, or between the wall and four composed chairs. Or along the railing, 3-4m long. Each type of walking must be performed at a distance of at least 10m.

In addition to rehabilitation exercises, the following types of physical activity are recommended:

  1. Walking at a normal pace – as far as possible
  2. Yoga
  3. Feldenkrais,.
  4. Swimming and exercises in the water, etc
  5. Pilates
  6. Exercises according to the Paula system

Additional Info

Multiple sclerosis is a disease that shares many features with Parkinson’s disease. These diseases are similar as they are chronic, progressive, and their cause is the slow destruction of regions of the nervous system. However, multiple sclerosis or MS has a number of particularities that distinguish it from Parkinson’s disease, which should be mentioned.

First of all, in the disease development, the onset time and the cause of its development are important. Unlike Parkinson’s disease, which develops over the age of 60, multiple sclerosis is a young disease that manifests itself at the age of 20-40, most often in people employed in the intellectual field. The cause of the development of MS, like Parkinson’s disease, has not been completely elucidated, however, it is known that both environmental factors (ecology, infections, geographic features, vitamin D deficiency) and internal factors (hereditary predisposition, inferiority of the immune system, metabolic disorders, etc.). Multiple sclerosis is more common in women than in men. [Explore More]

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